About Tralala

Eliza Bell Photography
Thanks so much for checking out Tralala Interiors. I’m Libby and it’s wonderful to meet you. Originally from Washington, D.C., I moved to Asheville, NC to be closer to the mountains, outdoor activities, and the vibrant community - I'm thrilled to call Asheville home.
Growing up as a military kid, my family moved every few years. These transitions instilled a love of travel in me, encouraged a “home is where you are planted” mentality, and fostered my creativity and ability to decorate a new bedroom with every different house we moved to. While my love of interior design and creative pursuits started early, my career path is not linear. I first worked in the corporate world, before transitioning to volunteer management for a nonprofit organization for over 10 years.
After years of personal home improvement projects, rearranging furniture for family and friends, and spending many hours searching real estate listings, I took the plunge to make my passion for home staging and design into my career. As an HSR Certified Home Staging and Redesign professional, I’ve successfully completed a RESA (Real Estate Staging Association) accredited home staging and redesign certification program; one of the most extensive programs available to home stagers. I’m grateful for the adventure and so happy to be helping clients fall in love with their spaces.
When not rearranging furniture or painting something, you can find me running or hiking on Asheville’s amazing trails, working a crossword puzzle, or doting on our pup, Kal- the sweetest land hippo you will ever meet.
I often get asked where the name Tralala Interiors came from - growing up, there was a little ditty my mom would often sing as we arrived home as a family - “Home again, home again, Tra-la-la.” I smile at this sweet memory now and appreciate that it expresses joy in the simple act of coming home. Tralala Interiors was created with this sentiment in mind- I’m so excited to help you create spaces where you delight in the simple act of coming home.